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Free IT delivery on orders over €150

Asanoha basket



39×25 H11cm


Delivery time 8-10 weeks

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Basket hand-woven by skilled craftsmen in the city of Beppu – Oita prefecture – using a local variety of bamboo called Madake.

The bamboo is originally a plant very rigid, difficult to handle. It is thanks to the craftsmen ability to process it so it can become elastic. When the bamboo strips are woven they create a unique geometric pattern. By combining the fundamental weaving patterns, more than 200 weaving methods are possibile.

Basket hand-woven by skilled craftsmen in the city of Beppu – Oita prefecture – using a local variety of bamboo called Madake. The bamboo is originally a plant very rigid, difficult to handle. It is thanks to the craftsmen ability to process it so it can become elastic. When the bamboo strips are woven they create a unique geometric pattern. By combining the fundamental weaving patterns, more than 200 weaving methods are possibile.